
Carers invited to help shape city’s SEND strategy

Parents and carers have been invited to help shape Newcastle City Council’s new strategy for children and young people with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The strategy will cover how education, health and care services can work together to meet the needs of children who have SEND and ensure the best possible outcomes for them.

In September, the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) will facilitate a series of online events for parents and carers to share their views on the following key questions:

  • What should a good life for children and young people with SEND look like in Newcastle?
  • What is currently helping to achieve this goal?
  • What is currently holding children and young people with SEND back from living that good life?
  • What would make the biggest improvements in the lives of children and young people with SEND, and their families?

two man laughing at each other

The findings from the focus groups will be reported by CDC to Newcastle City Council for publication on the Local Offer and circulated to all focus group attendees.

There will also be two workshops with professionals where the results of the focus groups will the used to inform discussions about the city’s future SEND strategy.

Cllr Sylvia Copley, Cabinet Member, a Growing City, Newcastle City Council said: ‘We are committed to supporting all children and young people and would encourage as many people as possible to engage in these events, let us know what works well, and how you would like to see the SEND strategy in Newcastle developed in the future.’

There are five sessions available which you can book via any of the links below:

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