Senior councillors in Bradford are to discuss buying two residential children’s homes for £900,000 next week.
The council’s executive will be asked to approve the purchase, when it meets on 7 July.
The proposed purchases are part of a longer-term strategy to develop high-quality children’s homes across the district and meet future demand.
Of the £900,000, £400,000 would go to purchase of a property that the local authority is currently leasing and using as a children’s home.
The other £500,000 would be spent on buying a new property to replace a children’s home currently owned by the council but no longer of a suitable size or quality to best meet the needs of the children.
The purchases would be funded by a mixture of corporate borrowing and the proceeds of sale of the existing home.
‘Bradford Council is totally committed to the continual improvement of the social care services we deliver to vulnerable children and purchasing these homes is a key step in that process,’ said portfolio holder for children and families, Cllr Adrian Farley.
‘Purchasing the property we currently lease gives us greater control over its use and offers more stability for our children and staff as well as being more cost effective in the long run.
‘Moving the other existing home into a new, larger and better quality building will allow us to deliver services more effectively and provide our children with a better environment in which we can support them to thrive. Unfortunately the existing building is no longer fit for purpose. As we have expanded services, we have outgrown the building and by moving to new accommodation we will be better able to work with families leading to improved outcomes for children.
‘This is a positive move in our on-going efforts to provide outstanding care for the most vulnerable children and young people in our district. All children and young people in Bradford deserve to get the best possible support and opportunities, no matter what challenges they may face,’ added Cllr Farley.
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